Rural Libraries Endowment

This page is under construction and was last updated 6.27.24

Section 18-18-1, NMSA 1978 (2019) establishes the rural libraries endowment fund, which was established in the state treasury to support the preservation, development, and establishment of rural libraries throughout the state by providing funding for rural libraries’ operational and capital needs and funding for the delivery of specialized services to rural libraries. The rural libraries endowment fund consists of appropriations and donations to the fund and all income from investment of the fund.

Rural Library Definition

Rural Library means a library that is established:

  • through an ordinance or legal resolution adopted by a political subdivision of the state and is located in: (a) an unincorporated area of the state; or (b) a municipality with a population on or after July 1, 2019 of three thousand or less;
  • by a legal resolution of a tribal government in New Mexico with a tribal population on or after July 1, 2019 of three thousand or less; or
  • as a corporation with tax-exempt status pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and is located in: (a) an unincorporated area of the state; or (b) a municipality with a population on or after July 1, 2019 of three thousand or less.

Rural Libraries Program (RLP) Grant

ALL RLP Grant funds received must be spent in its entirety before the end of each fiscal year, June 30.

If your library received a RLP Grant in FY24, complete and return the Expenditures Tracking Sheet to by June 30, 2024 

Rural Libraries Program (RLP) Grant Allocations History


Rural Libraries Program Library Establishment (RLPLE) Grants

Grants are available for establishing developing rural libraries. These funds can assist in the establishment of public or tribal public rural libraries in cities, towns, and villages without a library.

Who May Apply: Cities, towns, or villages without a library, 501(c)(3) organizations in cities, towns or villages, or unincorporated areas with a population of 3,000 or fewer without a library, or local committees with identified members and roles may apply for RLPLE Grant funds.

If you received a RLPLE Grant in FY24, complete and return the F24 RLPLE  Grant Expenditures Tracking Sheet to by June 30, 2024 

To apply for a FY25 Rural Libraries Program Library Establishment (RLPLE) Grant, complete the application and return all required documentation by the deadline below.

Rural Libraries Program Library Establishment (RLPLE) Grant Allocations History