New Mexico State Library

InterLibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

ILL is the borrowing and lending of materials between libraries for the benefit of patrons.

New Mexico State Library interlibrary resource sharing services are provided for current state employees and for individuals doing research that involves State Library collections such as Federal or state documents or Southwest history, culture, or genealogy.  Interlibrary loan services are also available for public libraries, tribal libraries, and correctional facilities in New Mexico.

We accept ILL requests through the ILLiad system. ILLiad serves as an interface between the ILL department and you. It provides you with a record of your past ILL requests as well as the status of your current requests.  For information on eligibility, registration, cost, and expectations and procedures, please see our ILL Libguide.

State Employee or New Mexico Library login: ILLiad Logon

Interlibrary Loan Contact:

Articles Plus

New Mexico State Library will provide journal articles and other professional content via the Articles Plus program, which is open to all New Mexico state employees, including those employed by state government agencies, the state legislature, or the state court system. Articles or other professional content must be work-related and may be requested by email using your work email address via Most requests should be fulfilled within 24 hours – often less – email us the citation information and we will return the article to you at your work email address.

Questions or requests? Contact us at or 505-476-9702 from 8:00am to 5:00pm, Monday-Friday.