2 weeks ago, Carmelita Aragon and I headed to Denver, CO for the 2016 RIPL Conference. While we were in Denver we decided to visit the Central branch of the Denver Public Library (what else do librarians do when they visit other cities!).
The library is 7 stories! We only made it to the 5th floor (our parking meter was running out!) and were amazed at everything! The first floor houses the Children’s Department, Media Room, Teen Space and several reading areas.

The Children’s Room was bright and welcoming with lots of aisles and really fun bins full of board books. Story time was going on in an offshoot of the room and even though it was a week day it was filled with families.
The 5th floor held the Western Room & Genealogy and had an amazing collection of artifacts related to the West. There was an amazing structure in the middle of the room and the Reference desk had a light up desk that they used to showcase old photographs.

The rest of the library was filled with an immense collection, computers, lots of reference desks and windows which overlooked a park, the Capital building and downtown Denver. If you’re ever in the area, I highly recommend stopping in and checking it out!