The New Mexico State Library, established in 1929, is committed to providing leadership that promotes effective library services and access to information to all citizens of New Mexico. The State Library provides services that support public libraries as well as delivers direct library services to rural populations, state agencies, the visually impaired and physically disabled, and students and citizens conducting research.
These Guidelines describe the Tribal Libraries Program Grants (hereinafter “the TLP Grant”) administered by the State Library and establishes criteria for reviewing and awarding the grants.
A. Purpose:
The purpose of the TLP Grant is to provide financial assistance that encourages and supports tribal library services. The TLP Grant is intended to supplement and encourage local effort in providing local library service. The TLP Grant may be used for: library collections, library programming; library staff salaries; library staff professional development; library equipment; or other operational expenditures associated with delivery of library services. No overhead or indirect costs are allowed.
B. Definition:
“Tribal Library” means a library established by an Indian nation or a public library on tribal lands.
C. Eligibility:
All tribal libraries that currently meet the criteria for developing library, public library, or branch library as defined in 4.5.2 NMAC and receive a State Grants in Aid for Public Libraries grant.
D. Source of Funds:
The state legislature is the sole source for the TLP Grants money. The state library, in its appropriation request to the New Mexico state legislature each year, requests monies for the TLP Grants as part of its operating budget.
E. Distribution of Funds:
Money from the TLP grants program shall be distributed in the following manner:
1. Notification
When the state library’s budget is finalized by the Department of Cultural Affairs, the TLP coordinator shall send a letter of notification to all eligible tribal libraries informing them that the grant application process is open along with the timeline for submittals.
2. Grant application
Grant applications will be reviewed by the Development Bureau and award notifications transmitted to the approved applicant libraries.
3. Grant Agreement
All approved tribal libraries must complete, sign and return an agreement to the state library within 30 days of notification to receive a Tribal Libraries Program grant. If a tribal library does not submit the agreement within the required time period, it shall relinquish the grant award and the funds will revert to the state library’s budget. The Grant Program is a reimbursement process; libraries must submit proof of expenditures for reimbursement.
4. Allocation
Tribal libraries that meet the definition of public library in 4.5.2 NMAC will receive one (1) share in the allocation of funds. Tribal libraries that meet the definition of developing public library in 4.5.2 NMAC will receive 0.8 share in the allocation of funds. Tribal libraries that meet the definition of branch library in 4.5.2 NMAC will receive 0.5 share in the allocation of funds.
5. Maintenance of effort
The tribal library’s local budget shall not be reduced by its governing body as a result of eligibility for the TLP grants program. Upon demonstrated evidence that such a reduction has occurred, the tribal library shall be ineligible to receive funds from the TLP grants award for one year after the reduction has occurred.
F. Distribution of Funds:
1. The amount received and distributed may vary each year depending on the allocation of the state legislature and the number of Tribal libraries applying for the grant.
2. The state library, in its sole discretion, may alter the amount of the TLP grants if the state legislature allocates an amount that is different than the state library requested in its operating budget.
3. Funds shall be expended in the fiscal year in which they are awarded.
G. Appeal:
1. In the event that any library is denied a TLP grant by the state library under E.4 of these Guidelines, that library may appeal the decision.
2. Such appeal shall be made in writing to the state librarian within thirty (30) days of notification of denial of funds. The appeal should state all facts and conditions relating to the appeal.
3. The appeal shall be considered and ruled upon by the state librarian a response made within ninety (90) days in writing to the appealing party.