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Government Information Librarians/Government Documents Depository Libraries Meeting


Please mark your calendars and make your travel plans so that you won’t miss the annual meeting this year at the State Library on Friday, July 18.

The meeting will begin at 9:00 in the morning with coffee and pastry.  Then Pauline Nunez of the Census Bureau – Denver Regional Office – will conduct a training session on the new functions and features of American Fact Finder.  The afternoon will be spent discussing various topics of importance and interest to government information librarians such as: State Depositories update; FDLP happenings and Regional report; the Western States Virtual Conference in August; digital docs – El Palacio, Agricultural Extension Service and Experiment Station Publications; News+; Compilation Commission materials ownership; review of the NM State Depository Manual; and RDA and government documents.

The Census Bureau would like a head count of attendees, so please email or call Lori at 505-476-9717 if you are planning on attending.

We very much look forward to welcoming you, meeting all of you, and sharing a government information day with you!