New Mexico State Library

Youth Services

The New Mexico State Library supports youth services in public and tribal libraries across New Mexico by providing professional development, educational resources, and interaction between youth services librarians.  The New Mexico State Library helps to facilitate the statewide Summer Reading Program, following the yearly CSLP theme.


For more detailed information on the Summer Reading Program, visit the Summer Reading Program page.


New Mexico State Library is an enrolled partner for the Smokey Bear Reading Challenge. Libraries are encouraged to participate in the program as part of their Summer Reading Program, or as a separate challenge. Public Libraries will be receiving materials from the state library in late February. Explore our NMSL Research Guide on Smokey Bear for additional history, media, and information. For more information on the reading challenge, contact Kelly McCabe, Youth Services Coordinator. 




NMSL Youth Services Newsletter

Published monthly for youth services staff in public libraries.  [Subscribe]

Youth Services Niche Academy Courses

  • free, online learning platform for New Mexico library staffStart here.
  • Includes the Early Literacy Calendar

Youth Services Listserv

  • Focused discussion list for New Mexico public library staff interested in youth services, hosted by UNM. 
  • You can request subscription using this link. 


Reading and Reading Celebration Programs:

Land of Enchantment Book Award

The Land of Enchantment Book Award, New Mexico’s annual state book award, is an exciting program designed to encourage the youth of New Mexico to read outstanding books of literary quality. A committee selects four lists (3 lists prior to the 2016-2017 awards): Roadrunner for grades K-3, Coyote for grades 3-5, Lizard for grades 6-8, Black Bear for grades 9-12.

New Mexico Battle of the Books

The New Mexico Battle of the Books encourages the youth of New Mexico to read books, have fun, and compete by demonstrating their knowledge of books.  Students in grades 4-8 compete  in a book-related competition in elementary and middle school divisions. Teams are sponsored by schools or public libraries.

Letters About Literature  

Letters About Literature encourages young readers in grades 4 -12 to read a book and write a personal letter to the author explaining how the book changed or shaped their perspective on themselves or the world. Letter writers compete at three levels: Level I is grades 4-6; Level II is grades 7-8; and Level III is grades 9-12. The writers compete in this annual state contest to win prizes in each competition level.​

Stay up to date on what your patrons are reading with Booklist.

Click the cover below to access the current issue.