(Las Cruces, NM) Thomas Branigan Memorial Library is one of 25 public and academic libraries from across the country chosen by the American Library Association to receive a $1,000 Resilient Communities: Libraries Respond to Climate Change Grant.
“We want to answer the question, what does tierra sagrada/sacred earth mean for New Mexico, Las Cruces and the borderlands?” said Brita Sauer, Library Manager, and the leader of this project. “Our approach will focus on developing community strategies with local groups and residents around the Tierra Sagrada Seed Library and the topics: seeds, land, soil, water, pollinators, food and borders.”
A second component of the grant is the creation of a Climate Resilience Hub at the library, which will be an information and education center, where resources such as current community climate change data, sustainability resources, books, videos and tools will be available for residents to more fully learn and develop solutions for solving climate issues.
Please check the Library’s website at library.las-cruces.org, or its social media @Branigan Library on Facebook and braniganlibrarylc on Instagram for program announcements and information.