by Kelly McCabe, Youth Services Coordinator, New Mexico State Library

Summer Reading Adventures are underway at Erna Fergusson Library! Erna Fergusson Library is part of the Albuquerque-Bernalillo County Library System and serves their northeast Albuquerque community as part of a service cluster that includes a senior center, public pool, and large public park. Erna Fergusson is participating in the Adventure Begins at Your Library Summer Reading Program, along with all branches within the Albuquerque-Bernalillo County Library System, and many other library systems across New Mexico.

On the day I visited the library, Denise Gard and her trained border collies, Joey and Kira, were performing a storytelling adventure for a packed room of dog lovers and reading enthusiasts. Along with narrating the story of how Joey and Kira escape from a cursed Egyptian mummy, Denise educated the audience on important dog safety and tips for training dogs at home. Families visiting the library attended the all-ages program together and had the chance to get their Branch Visit Bingo cards stamped, get their weekly reading prize, and swap out their library books for the week.
Natasha Czapszys, Youth Services Librarian at Erna Fergusson, said that what she loves most about the Summer Reading Program is the focus on reading for personal enjoyment. “Summer reading is fun reading,” she explained, and allows participants to explore new topics, new authors, and new genres OR re-read a beloved favorite. The Summer Reading Program at Erna Fergusson, like many across New Mexico, is an all-ages program with events and reading challenges for the whole family.

You can find out what’s happening at all of the Albuquerque-Bernalillo County Library System branches by visiting the Summer Reading page. And it’s not too late to register and get started on your Summer Reading Adventures!