New Mexico State Library

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Stats Update for the DCA New Mexico FamilyPass

The word is out about the New Mexico FamilyPass! People are checking it out from their public library, visiting the museums and historic sites, and are completing the survey about their experience. This is exciting news and as such, here is an update of how the New Mexico FamilyPass is being used.

Museum and Historic Sites Visited:


Up to 6 people can attend on one pass! 4 people is still the most popular.


People continue to say wonderful things about the FamilyPass!


The DCA New Mexico FamilyPass is available for checkout at all New Mexico public libraries and branches, as well as the State Library and its three rural bookmobiles. Passes are valid through August 30, 2016.

The FamilyPass may be used at the following locations:


Please encourage patrons to complete the quick survey when they return the pass. This survey is available online, at However, they may also complete a paper survey. To continue and possibly expand the program, it is important for us to document the outcomes and provide stories of patron use.

Return any completed paper surveys to:

New Mexico State Library – Development Bureau
1209 Camino Carlos Rey
Santa Fe, NM 87507

If patrons have questions regarding museums or historic sites, please direct them to contact the specific museum or historic site.

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