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State Library Reduces Hours at Main Reading Room


Due to budgetary reductions resulting in limited staffing, the New Mexico State Library is temporarily reducing the public hours for the main library reading room. logo-roundsm

Beginning April 4, the main library will be open from 1:00 to 5:00PM, Monday through Friday.  Telephone and email reference service hours remain unchanged, 10:00AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday.

The main library is a resource for information on many aspects of New Mexico, such as state and Federal government documents, New Mexico newspapers, and the Foundation Center.  The State Library is complemented by the New Mexico State Archives, both located within a single facility.


About the New Mexico State Library

The mission of the New Mexico State Library is to provide leadership that empowers libraries to support the educational, economic, and health goals of their communities. The State Library also delivers direct library and information services to those who need them. The State Library supports research, life-long learning, and cultural enrichment for all New Mexicans. The New Mexico State Library is a division of the New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs.

About the New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs

The Department of Cultural Affairs is New Mexico’s cultural steward and is charged with preserving and showcasing the state’s cultural riches. With its eight museums, eight historic sites, arts, archaeology, historic preservation and library programs, the Department is one of the largest and most diverse state cultural agencies in the nation. Together, its facilities, programs, and services support a $5.6 billion cultural industry in New Mexico.