New Mexico State Library

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The NMSL Makerspace Summer Tour Stops in Edgewood

MSTour14On July 17, the Parachute Factory stopped in to present a toothbrush robot and Makey Makey program at the Edgewood Community Library. The event was a huge hit, and from the sounds of it, certainly made an impression on the community (see the letter from the library director below). Thank you, PF for delivering quality, educational, STEM programs that inspire our libraries — and THANK YOU, libraries for continuing to support lifelong learning in your communities!

From the librarian:

Dear New Mexico State Library,

Thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much for making this event pMSTour6ossible!  Our 50 or so participants had a blast experimenting with the toothbrush robots and MaKey MaKey.  What an inspiration to our community!  One mother was so inspired at the homeschool opportunities for her son that she immediately ordered a MaKey MaKey and toothbrush robot parts following the event.  Another participant’s grandmother looked on in pride at her granddaughter as she excitedly explained how the MaKey MaKey works to her buddy.

 We even received a special visit from a staff member of Agency by Design from the Harvard Graduate School of Education who is (to paraphrase) conducting research on the educational effect of focusing on a “making-centered” learning model.  Also, Alice from Quelab, a hackerspace in Albuquerque, was on hand to assist participants with the projects as well.

 All in all it was an experience we, along with the community, will not soon forget.  Although I’ve been told that the makerspace notion is not a new one, it was completely foreign and novel to me as well as others that I spoke to about this event.  I believe that this out-of-the-box type of education is just what we need.  I love the idea of creating a community solely based on the exchange and cultivation of skills and ideas; the learning possibilities are endless!

 Thanks again and ta-ta for now!




This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

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