Do you work at a library that is part of the New Mexico State Publications Depository Program or are you simply curious about how resources produced by state agencies are classified?

You can now access the updated New Mexico State Documents Classification System online in the comfort of the place of your own choosing: New Mexico State Documents Classification System.
We will be periodically revising the list to add older classification numbers and will be including agency histories in addition to creating new classification numbers.
Wondering how this classification got started? For historical interest see the original 1978 version.
The NM State Documents Classification System is based on the U.S. federal government’s SuDocs Classification in that New Mexico state publications are assigned classification based on the agency that creates the resource.

Cataloging questions? Ask us at the Technical Services Bureau of the New Mexico State Library. Here’s an overview of what we do and our contact information: NM State Library TSB Folding Brochure.