New Mexico State Library

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NMSL Ships Monthly Goodie Boxes

Zelda stages the shipment, stacking up your goodies.
Zelda stages the shipment, stacking up your goodies.
We send shipments to 22 libraries in New Mexico, plus 2 copies to the Library of Congress.
We send shipments to 22 libraries in New Mexico, plus 2 copies to the Library of Congress.


Hello World! State law requires the State Library to distribute copies of state publications to depositories located around the state. Taxpayers/voters/citizens/researchers have easier access to state government information. Our new staffer Zelda Abeita in the Technical Services Bureau prepares monthly shipments loaded with a variety of sources statistical and legal, plus picture-filled fun stuff, too! Our favorites are the goodies from the extension agents at NMSU, filled with sewing, canning, gardening and other domestic advice galore!

Many of our documents are digital <>, so the entire planet can read those.

Our shiplists are now available online <>, using WorldCat. LIBROS libraries can easily customize the URLs, for example in just change the prefix to your LIBROS prefix, for example here it’s customized for ENMU

Zelda assembles the September 2015 shipment.
Zelda assembles the September 2015 shipment.
Off they go!
Off they go!

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