There is a new partnership between US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and state libraries across the country. The agreement provides immigration and citizenship information to public libraries across the county.This agreement is founded upon the recognition that libraries serve as a vital resource for immigrant communities. Through this partnership, USCIS and the State Library Agency Partners seek to ensure
that librarians have the necessary tools to refer their patrons to accurate and reliable sources of information on immigration related topics.
As part of this effort, USCIS will conduct a national webinar in early December to give librarians an overview of basic immigration procedure and benefits, the role librarians can serve, as well as
information on available online resources. This national webinar will be followed by quarterly webinars on immigration topics such as the naturalization process and test, the unauthorized practice of immigration law, and USCIS systems such as E-Verify and the USCIS Electronic Immigration System (USCIS ELIS).
At the local level, libraries may also work with USCIS Community Relations Officers to schedule on-site information sessions as well as to obtain free USCIS materials, such as the Civics and Citizenship Toolkit.
To find a session in your area, visit: www.uscis.gov/citizenshipsessions
To obtain a free copy and explore the contents of the Toolkit, visit www.uscis.gov/citizenshiptoolkit
Please direct individuals to the Citizenship Resource Center (www.uscis.gov/citizenship), the website that provides immigrants, teachers, and organizations with a one-stop resource for locating citizenship preparation materials and activities.