New Mexico State Library

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New Mexico Library Snapshot Day

NM Library Snapshot Day

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Picture this: What if library services in New Mexico suddenly vanished?

Where would college students go to study? Where would elementary students go for homework help? How would job seekers without computer access at home apply for jobs? How would researchers find historical documents? Where would parents take their youngsters for story time?

These are just a few examples of how libraries are used each and every day here in New Mexico. Help us capture the impact of libraries in the daily lives of New Mexicans on SNAPSHOT DAY 2015.

What is Snapshot Day?

Snapshot Day is an advocacy project designed to help show the impact libraries make in any given day. Participating libraries will document “a day in the life” of their libraries by taking photos, collecting anecdotes, and recording data about services provided. Librarians will submit their documentation to the State Library for aggregation. From there, advocacy materials will be created and made available for use in your own communities. Click here to see the materials created after Snapshot Day 2010.

When is Snapshot Day?

NM Snapshot Day is officially Thursday, April 16, 2015, but you can choose to collect your data any day of National Libraries Week (April 13-18). All surveys will need to be submitted by Friday, April 24.

Who can participate?

Snapshot Day should capture the picture of ALL libraries in New Mexico, so all types of libraries are encouraged to participate (public, school, academic, and special).

How do I sign up to participate?

Click here to submit our easy online sign-up form.

Do I need to plan any special events?

No. Snapshot Day is supposed to reflect any given day in the library, so you don’t need to do anything special. However, it’s always great to have big numbers, so if you already have a special program planned during the week of April 13-18, you may want to record your data on that day.

What am I responsible for doing?

On Snapshot Day, you and your staff will:

  • take photos and share on social media using hashtag #NMsnapshot
  • upload photos to our Flickr site for use on advocacy materials
  • encourage patrons to submit anecdotes about what they love about your library (and/or write a few of your own about how you helped patrons on Snapshot Day)
  • collect data and enter it into a survey (Survey Monkey link will be distributed prior to event)

Please review the survey questions ahead of time so that you know what you need to keep track of on Snapshot Day. Click here for a sample (subject to change) of the types of questions you will be asked. The final questions will be distributed a few weeks prior to Snapshot Day.

How can I learn more?

Sign up by submitting this form. Marketing Specialist Mary Kaminski will then send you everything you need to know.

Questions? Email Mary Kaminski or call 505-476-9723.

Sign up form


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