Everyday this week for National Library Week, we’re introducing you to the different departments of the New Mexico State Library.
The Library Development Bureau (LDB) is responsible for dealing directly with the public libraries of New Mexico. The Bureau consists of: Carmelita Aragon, State Data Coordinator (and filling in as Continuing Education Coordinator); Deanne Dekle, Youth Services & Outreach Consultant; Alana McGrattan, Tribal Libraries Program Coordinator; Patricia Moore, Technology Consultant; and Jeannie Whitehorse, Library Technician at Crownpoint Resource Center. We’re currently missing a Bureau Chief and hope to have that position filled soon.
Some of what we do:
- Administer State Grants-in-Aid
- Receive and compile Public Library Surveys to provide statistics to the IMLS
- Provide online and in-person training for public library staff on a variety of topics
- Provide Summer Reading resources and workshops
- Administer GO Bonds to public libraries
- Certify public library directors according to NM statutes
- Administer the Tribal Libraries Program grant to tribal libraries
- Provide information on resources to public library staff
- Work with public libraries on compliance according to NM Administrative Codes
- Provide educational programming opportunities to public libraries
- Administer special grants to public libraries as funding allows
- Participate and provide outreach opportunities around the state to inform the public on the resources provided by the State Library
- Site visits to New Mexico’s 96 public library systems
As librarians, our patrons are the public library staff- we help them in any way we can. We maintain different listservs for library staff, post to The Hitchhiker, run the State Library’s social media accounts, all which allow us to disseminate information in a variety of formats.

To reach LDB, call us at 1-800-340-3890 or email us at SL.development@state.nm.us.