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June Online Professional Development Opportunities – FREE

CE-PictureCheck out the Professional Development Calendar for more information and to register for the following FREE online professional development opportunities.

NOTE: until we can get the calendars synced, the calendar will show Maine State Library (MSL), this is ok, as the MSL is the new host for the professional development calendar.


June 6: Supporting domestic and sexual violence survivors at your library (WebJunction)

June 25: The Dementia Friendly Library: Increasing belonging in Virginia Libraries (NNLM)


June 12: Leveraging the Power of Advocates and the Devil’s Advocate in Change Management (Niche Academy)

June 18: Data storytelling 101 (WebJunction)


June 5: Creative Survey Design: Crafting Survey Instruments to Meet Your Library’s Research and Evaluation Needs

June 5: Practical Tips on Adding Demographic Data to Profiles (Candid Learning)

June 12: Retrofitting Learning Objects for Better Engagement and Efficiency (ASERL)

June 18: Why Build Relationships with Grantmakers? (CharityHowTo)

June 18: Ready, Set, Evaluate: Assess your Organization’s Readiness for Program Evaluation (Nonprofit Learning Lab)

June 20: Accounting for Restricted Grants: When and How To Record Properly? (Techsoup)

June 25: Introduction to Measuring Your Impact (Candid Learning)


June 13: Board Revolution: Rethinking Nonprofit Governance for Organizational Impact (CharityVillage)

June 26: Managing Effective Library Boards (Niche Academy)


June 18: Exercising Empathy in Conflict (govloop)

June 25: Share Knowledge, Ideas, Learning, and Library Solutions! (Nebraska Library Commission)


June 4: Celebrating LGBTQ+ Stories: New Titles for Pride Month and Beyond (School Library Journal)

June 4: Audiobooks for Youth (Booklist)

June 5: Random House Children’s Books Fall 2024 Preview (Booklist)

June 11: Fall 2024 Youth Preview (Booklist)


June 26: 5 Social Media Tips that Will Help You Turn heads and Raise Funds for Your Nonprofit (Charity-How-To)


June 13: NOAA Institutional Repository Implementing Public Access (Federal Depository Library Program)

June 20: Using Public Data to Make Decisions (US Census)


June 12: Beyond the Binary: Understanding LGBTQIA+ Health (NNLM)

June 26: Public Libraries Supporting African American Writers (ALA)


June 3: Leveraging Fundraising Intelligence In the Annual Fund (Nonprofit Learning Lab)

June 6: Nurturing Donors: Automating the Journey from Acquisition to Renewal (Blackbaud)

June 12: Engage Diverse Donors with Culturally Informed Marketing Strategies (Candid Learning)

June 13: Leveraging the Summer Slowdowns: How to Prepare for End-of-Year Fundraising in June (Nonprofit Learning Lab)

June 20: Maximize Donor Retention: Using the Giving Season Slowdown to Boost Year-End Results (GrantStation)

June 26: Recalibrate Your Events to Fuel Year-Round Fundraising (Productive Fundraising)


June 4: ASERL Community Conversation: ILL and Resource Sharing – Training & Managing Student Workers (ASERL)

June 12: Uncovering and Managing to Employee Motivations (Blackbaud)


June 5: Inside Outreach: Transformative Strategies to Overcome Service Barriers (Library Journal)

June 12: Digital Literacy in a Rural Community (NNLM)


June 4: Scaling STEM Equitably: Practitioner Driven Reflections and Emerging Guidelines (National Girls Collaborative Project)

June 12: Host a Repair Café in Your Library (ALA)


June 11: AL Live—Storytelling through Sound: Audiobook Trends and Titles You Have to Hear to Believe (American Libraries)


June 6: Harnessing Data for a Sustainable Future (Techsoup)

June 20: LGBTQ History through Federal Government Documents (FDLP)


June 3: Navigating the AI Policy Landscape in Schools (edWeb)

June 5: Executive Directors Chat: Leveraging AI for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (Techsoup)

June 5: How to Use AI Responsibly (govloop)

June 14: Idea Lab: Impact of Net Neutrality on Library Services (Libraries4de)


June 5: Create Engaging Training Videos with Your Smartphone (Niche Academy)

June 12: Moving Beyond Avoidance: Conflict Resolution for Beginners (Indiana State Library)

June 24: If You Can Do Laundry, You Can Map a Logic Model (Nonprofit Learning Lab)


Thursday, June 20 (3-6 pm) The Supportive Library: Helping Patrons Experiencing Homelessness (Library2.0)

From a librarian’s perspective, when we think of patrons experiencing homelessness, we automatically know and understand that they are an especially vulnerable population. We also know that to work in libraries is to be on the forefront of homelessness. However, while we are working directly with vulnerable patrons, many of us may not know how to help someone who is unhoused or who is experiencing food or other insecurities. We may not understand why they don’t trust us, or why they are striking out angrily toward us. We may not know the mental challenges or trauma they are experiencing or the loneliness and isolation they are feeling. In turn, this can expose our own vulnerabilities. For this conference, we invite you to embrace vulnerability, share stories of helping vulnerable patrons, express how you have been vulnerable and needed support, and what it means to take risks and step outside of your comfort zone. For more information and to register, visit:

Thursday, June 27 (3-6 pm) Teaching and Learning with AI (Library2.0)

What effects do generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies, tools, and applications have on learning and teaching? What impacts will they have on our educational abilities and activities, collaboration and communication, literacy, student agency, and independent, informal, and lifelong learning? The Teaching and Learning with AI summit will consider these questions and more. While AI technologies have many dramatic benefits, there are also challenges and concerns expressed by professionals, students, and educators about the impact of these new technologies on teaching and learning and the information ecosystem as a whole. Some are reasonably concerned about protecting privacy and confidentiality of students while using generative AI tools and ensuring equity and accessibility. Others worry about ethics, plagiarism, bias, misinformation, transparency, and the loss of critical thinking. And all in the learning professions are wondering how AI might allow or require changes in pedagogy and curricula. Join us for this free virtual conference to learn how students, educators, and teachers of all types are utilizing generative artificial intelligence tools. Conversations and presentations in the conference will address the practical implications of these tools in the profession, and information on the call for non-commercial, practitioner-based proposals is below. For more information and to register, visit:

AT YOUR LEISURE: Pre-recorded webinars to view at your convenience

Civic Skills in Civic Space: Libraries and Civic Education (EveryLibrary Institute)

Are you a librarian with a passion for civic education and the future of our democracy? The EveryLibrary Institute and the CivXNow Coalition present a webinar to learn about new paths for active civic engagement in public libraries. The CivXNow Coalition, powered by iCivics, is the nation’s largest non-partisan force dedicated to reviving civics education and renewing democracy. In this webinar, we will unpack several important opportunities for library leaders to strengthen their civic programming and learn about new public policy proposals. Visit:

Grant Writing Quick Start Workshop (Nonprofit Hub)

As a nonprofit leader or a grant writer, you may hear things like, “Why don’t you just write a grant for that?” Easier said than done! Some days it may seem that everyone is winning grants except you. In this webinar, you will learn how to evaluate potential grant opportunities quickly and efficiently, and use strategic writing techniques to strengthen your grant proposals, and more! Visit:

Revitalizing Library Volunteer Engagement

Start your new year off by jump-starting your volunteer engagement. This webinar teaches you how to recruit skilled volunteers and grow your community of supporters. You’ll also learn how to create engaging volunteer job descriptions and targeted recruitment plans so you can build a team of volunteers who love what you do—and love what they do to help your library. Visit:

*Training opportunities are compiled and shared by the Maine State Library each month via WebJunction. See WebJunction for detailed abstracts. Note: some of these opportunities may not be free.

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