New Mexico State Library

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Join the New Mexico Epic Poem Project!

New Mexico Epic Poem Project logoNew Mexico Poet Laureate, Lauren Camp, and Michelle Laflamme-Childs, Executive Director of New Mexico Arts, are traveling to cities, towns, and villages across New Mexico to host poetry reading and writing workshops.

The events start with a short reading by the Poet Laureate of her own work followed by a conversation with the participants about poetry in general. There is an open mic component where local folks can read a poem, either one they have written or one they simply wish to share with the group. Each workshop concludes with Camp leading a prompted writing exercise about the local community, which she and Laflamme-Childs will use as the source material in assembling the poems for and about each community in the words of those who live there. These poems will be printed as broadsides by the historic Palace Press at the Palace of the Governors/New Mexico History Museum. One broadside will be gifted back to each community and another displayed as part of an exhibition showcasing the different community poems from around the state.

Do you want to host such an event in your community? Libraries and other community spaces make a perfect venue.

If so, contact:

Michelle Laflamme-Childs

New Mexico Arts Executive Director

(505) 699-8243

Or fill out the Invite the Poet Laureate form here


You can learn more about our Poet Laureate and discover resources about New Mexico poets and poetry from the New Mexico State Library Poetry Center. 

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