Check out the Professional Development Calendar for more information and to register for the following FREE online training opportunities:
Feb. 2: This Is How Our Most Successful Clients Fill Their Events (Wild Apricot)
Feb. 8: Brand Architecture: Rethinking How You Connect the Dots Between Your Nonprofit’s Brand and Programs (nonprofit hub)
Feb. 8: Using Facebook LIVE to Broadcast Impact (4Good)
Feb. 22: Getting Started in Scholarship: A Scholarly Publishing Primer for Librarians (Georgia Public Library Service)
Feb. 23: Libraries = Education: Your Key to Success (Demco)
Feb. 28: Visualizing (and Finding!) Funding for Libraries (WebJunction)
Feb. 1: ESSA’s Impact: Views From Districts and Schools (Education Week)
Feb. 8: New Statistical Standard for Public Services in Archives and Special Collections (Nebraska Library Commission)
Feb. 8: Introduction to Project Budgets (GrantSpace)
Feb. 23: How to Successfully Roll Out Project Outcome in Your Library (Public Library Association)
Feb. 15: Grant Strategy for CEOs, Directors, and Board Members: What You Need to Know to Succeed (4Good)
Feb. 22: Developing Your Leaders’ Emotional Intelligence to Improve Organizational Performance (Training Magazine Network)
Feb. 1: How Top Nonprofit Leaders Avoid Burnout (Wild Apricot)
Feb. 8: Handling Change Starts with Leaders Themselves: Exploring Effective Approaches to Personal and Professional Change (Early Childhood Investigations)
Feb. 15: 2017 Career Planning Clinic (American Management Association)
Feb. 8: Transform Your Children’s Library Into an Interactive STEAM Learning Environment (Demco)
Feb. 9: Developmentally Appropriate Programming for Babies & Toddlers (Infopeople)
Feb. 14: Teaching Tolerance (Booklist)
Feb. 15: Tween & Teen BUILD Collective (Nebraska Library Commission)
Feb. 1: EGAD! Bed Bugs in the Library? (Nebraska Library Commission)
Feb. 8: LYRASIS Free Webinar: NEH Preservation Assistance Grants (LYRASIS)
Feb. 16: Practical Solutions: Quilt Care and Display (Connecting to Collections)
Feb. 22: Metadata Makeover: Transforming Omaha Public Library’s Digital Collections (Nebraska Library Commission)
Feb. 8: Brand Architecture: Rethinking How You Connect the Dots Between Your Nonprofit’s Brand and Programs (nonprofit hub)
Feb. 8: Using Facebook LIVE to Broadcast Impact (4Good)
Feb. 9: Asking Styles: A Revolutionary Concept in the Field (Bloomerang)
Feb. 15: Improving Communication and Relationships at Work with DiSC (Colorado State Library)
Feb. 22: Show Your Profile Some Love (GuideStar)
Feb. 22: Getting Started in Scholarship: A Scholarly Publishing Primer for Librarians (Georgia Public Library Service)
Feb. 23: Social Media and Volunteer Engagement (VolunteerMatch)
Feb. 9: Database of the Month: What’s new with History Reference Center? (Wyoming State Library)
Feb. 10: A Step inside the D.C. Africana Archives (Lyrasis)
Feb. 14: Works in Progress Webinar: Umbra Search African American History (OCLC)
Feb. 22: Metadata Makeover: Transforming Omaha Public Library’s Digital Collections (Nebraska Library Commission)
Feb. 1: How Top Nonprofit Leaders Avoid Burnout (Wild Apricot)
Feb. 2: Creativity and Library Leadership: Moving the Next Gen Library Forward (Booklist)
Feb. 3: 7 Deadly Sins of Time Management (Velocity Firm)
Feb. 8: Get Ready for Agile Learning and Development (American Management Association)
Feb. 8: You Can Do I.T.! How to Empower Library Staff with Basic Tech Management Skills (TechSoup)
Feb. 8: Introduction to Project Budgets (GrantSpace)
Feb. 8: Handling Change Starts with Leaders Themselves: Exploring Effective Approaches to Personal and Professional Change (Early Childhood Investigations)
Feb. 9: Libraries Transforming Communities: Models for Change Overview (Programming Librarian)
Feb. 14: People – Difficult or Different? (Effectiveness Institute)
Feb. 15: Improving Communication and Relationships at Work with DiSC (Colorado State Library)
Feb. 23: Delegating: When, How, and To Whom? (Utah State Library)
Feb. 23: Bozarthzone! Tips for the Positive Deviant (InSync)
Feb. 1: Nonprofit 911: How to Create Your 2017 Fundraising Plan (Network for Good)
Feb. 1: The Role of Staff and Volunteer Leadership in the Development Process (4Good)
Feb. 1: Introduction to Finding Grants (GrantSpace)
Feb. 2: Capital Campaigns: Best Practices, Common Mistakes (Bloomerang)
Feb. 2: This Is How Our Most Successful Clients Fill Their Events (Wild Apricot)
Feb. 8: LYRASIS Free Webinar: NEH Preservation Assistance Grants (LYRASIS)
Feb. 9: Asking Styles: A Revolutionary Concept in the Field (Bloomerang)
Feb. 14: Online Fundraising Best Practices for Nonprofits (Firespring)
Feb. 15: Grant Strategy for CEOs, Directors, and Board Members: What You Need to Know to Succeed (4Good)
Feb. 21: Crowdfunding 101 (Firespring)
Feb. 28: Visualizing (and Finding!) Funding for Libraries (WebJunction)
Feb. 28: Set Up Your Makerspace for Success (Colorado Virtual Library)
Feb. 1: Makerspaces in ECE: A Planning Guide for Administrators (Early Childhood Investigations)
Feb. 6: Passion in your Future Ready Library (TL Virtual Cafe)
Feb. 7: Full STEAM Ahead (Booklist)
Feb. 8: Transform Your Children’s Library Into an Interactive STEAM Learning Environment (Demco)
Feb. 1: EGAD! Bed Bugs in the Library? (Nebraska Library Commission)
Feb. 2: Creativity and Library Leadership: Moving the Next Gen Library Forward (Booklist)
Feb. 3: 7 Deadly Sins of Time Management (Velocity Firm)
Feb. 22: Developing Your Leaders’ Emotional Intelligence to Improve Organizational Performance (Training Magazine Network)
Feb. 23: Delegating: When, How, and To Whom? (Utah State Library)
Feb. 7: Leaving the library for nature programming: backpacks and geocaches (Washington State Library)
Feb. 9: Libraries Transforming Communities: Models for Change Overview (Programming Librarian)
Feb. 14: Libraries Help Patrons Become Financially Empowered Consumers (WebJunction)
Feb. 23: Libraries = Education: Your Key to Success (Demco)
Feb. 28: If You Make It, Protect It! Understanding the Importance of Intellectual Property Rights for Your Community (Federal Depository Library Program)
Feb. 1: Science Soup, Part Four: How Hot and Stormy Can It Get? NOAA: Oceans, Storms, and Climate Change (Federal Depository Library Program)
Feb. 7: Leaving the library for nature programming: backpacks and geocaches (Washington State Library)
Feb. 8: Bleep, Blorp, Books: Robots in the Library (Texas State Library and Archives Commission)
Feb. 9: Developmentally Appropriate Programming for Babies & Toddlers (Infopeople)
Feb. 13: Adult Programming That Works (Idaho Commission for Libraries)
Feb. 14: No Internet, No Problem – Leveraging Offline Technology to Prepare Inmates for Success Outside the Walls (Texas State Library and Archives Commission)
Feb. 14: Libraries Help Patrons Become Financially Empowered Consumers (WebJunction)
Feb. 15: Science Soup, Part Five: The Air We Breathe and the Water We Drink: The EPA – Keeping Our Environment Safe (Federal Depository Library Program)
Feb. 16: Practical Solutions: Quilt Care and Display (Connecting to Collections)
Feb. 22: Media Literacy: A Crash Course in 60 Minutes (edWeb)
Feb. 14: Teaching Tolerance (Booklist)
Feb. 1: Science Soup, Part Four: How Hot and Stormy Can It Get? NOAA: Oceans, Storms, and Climate Change (Federal Depository Library Program)
Feb. 10: A Step inside the D.C. Africana Archives (Lyrasis)
Feb. 14: Works in Progress Webinar: Umbra Search African American History (OCLC)
Feb. 15: Science Soup, Part Five: The Air We Breathe and the Water We Drink: The EPA – Keeping Our Environment Safe (Federal Depository Library Program)
Feb. 22: Post-Truth: Fake News and a New Era of Information Literacy (American Library Association and Programming Librarian)
Feb. 28: If You Make It, Protect It! Understanding the Importance of Intellectual Property Rights for Your Community (Federal Depository Library Program)
Feb. 1: ESSA’s Impact: Views From Districts and Schools (Education Week)
Feb. 6: Diving Deeper Into Nonfiction: Using Readers Rules of Notice (Corwin)
Feb. 14: Future Ready Librarians: What’s Not to Love? (Alliance for Excellent Education)
Feb. 22: Media Literacy: A Crash Course in 60 Minutes (edWeb)
Feb. 27: Collaboration in the 21st Century School Library (Wyoming State Library)
Feb. 1: Makerspaces in ECE: A Planning Guide for Administrators (Early Childhood Investigations)
Feb. 6: Passion in your Future Ready Library (TL Virtual Cafe)
Feb. 7: Full STEAM Ahead (Booklist)
Feb. 8: You Can Do I.T.! How to Empower Library Staff with Basic Tech Management Skills (TechSoup)
Feb. 8: Bleep, Blorp, Books: Robots in the Library (Texas State Library and Archives Commission)
Feb. 14: No Internet, No Problem – Leveraging Offline Technology to Prepare Inmates for Success Outside the Walls (Texas State Library and Archives Commission)
Feb. 21: Emerging Tech Trends in Libraries – Part 6 (Infopeople)
Feb. 28: Set Up Your Makerspace for Success (Colorado Virtual Library)
Feb. 6: Diving Deeper Into Nonfiction: Using Readers Rules of Notice (Corwin)
Feb. 7: Bozarthzone! Instructional Design for the Real World (InSync)
Feb. 8: Get Ready for Agile Learning and Development (American Management Association)
Feb. 14: Putting the LOVE Back into Your Blended Learning Instructional Design (InSync)
Feb. 14: People – Difficult or Different? (Effectiveness Institute)
Feb. 22: Post-Truth: Fake News and a New Era of Information Literacy (American Library Association and Programming Librarian)
Feb. 22: Media Literacy: A Crash Course in 60 Minutes (edWeb)
Feb. 7: Where Do I Go From Here? Engage Volunteers in New Ways (VolunteerMatch)
Feb. 9: Writing Accurate and Useful Volunteer Position Descriptions (VolunteerMatch)
Feb. 14: Successful Volunteer Interview Strategies (VolunteerMatch)
Feb. 15: Creating a Culture of Volunteer Engagement (VolunteerMatch)
Feb. 23: Social Media and Volunteer Engagement (VolunteerMatch)