On June 20th, the Edgewood Community Library opened the doors on their new building. They moved into an old elementary school and have more than doubled their previous space. There is now a separate children’s room, multi-purpose room, computer lab and the 2 employees have offices with lots and lots of storage! The community of Edgewood loves their library and that was evident in the number of people who attended the ribbon cutting ceremony. The library relies very heavily on a volunteer workforce to keep the library running and many attended the ceremony and the director, Andrea Corvin, had all volunteers perform the actual ribbon cutting. State Librarian, Kathleen Peiffer spoke as did members of the city government and a long time volunteer who shared fun anecdotes about the creating and early days of the library.

The library provided a huge feast of finger foods and desserts.
All the food was handmade by the family of a long time library supporter.
The library’s new book drop was even painted by a volunteer.
If you’re ever in the East Mountains, stop by Edgewood and take a visit to the new library!