Submitted on behalf of Felicity Fonseca, Embudo Valley Library & Community Center
Rio Arriba Independent Libraries have organized an early literacy training with Kathy Barco for Friday October 10 from 10-AM-2PM. We invite other regional library staff to join us!
Librarians: Learn techniques you can use in story times, and ways to encourage early literacy at your library through talking, reading, writing, singing, and playing- things you probably do already!
Workshop leader Kathy Barco has been a children’s librarian, literacy coordinator in Albuquerque’s public library system, and was Youth Services Coordinator at the New Mexico State Library from 2001 to 2006. She received the NMLA’s Leadership Award in 2006. Kathy earned her MLIS from the University of Southern Mississippi.
Here are the details:
What: Early Literacy Training for Librarians with Kathy Barco
When: Friday October 10, 2014 10 AM – 2 PM Librarian Training
(10 AM – 11:30 AM is the Parent Workshop)
Where: El Rito Public Library, El Rito, NM
How much: $25 per librarian, free for parents. Make check out to Embudo Valley Library
Bring: A sack lunch, light refreshments provided
To Register: Contact Felicity Fonseca at Embudo Valley Library, 505-579-9181 or
Who: Workshop leader Kathy Barco has been a children’s librarian, literacy coordinator in Albuquerque’s public library system, and was Youth Services Coordinator at the New Mexico State Library from 2001 to 2006. She received the NMLA’s Leadership Award in 2006. Kathy earned her MLIS from the University of Southern Mississippi.
Directions from Santa Fe
You can find the El Rito Library from Santa Fe by taking U.S. Highway 84 northwest through Española to the junction of State Highway 554.
Right turn on 554 to El Rito, Martin’s General Store and the junction of State 215. Right on 215 for approximately 2 miles to the library on your right (west).
Travel time approximately 70 minutes from Santa Fe.
Questions? Please contact Felicity Fonseca at Embudo Valley Library, 505-579-9181 or