New Mexico State Library

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Declaration for the Right to Libraries

Libraries Change Lives: Declaration for the Right to Libraries

“We declare and affirm our right to quality libraries -public, school, academic, and special – and urge you to show your support by signing your name to this Declaration for the Right to Libraries.”

The Declaration for the Right to Libraries is the cornerstone document of American Library Association President Barbara Stripling’s presidential initiative, Libraries Change Lives, which is designed to build the public will and sustained support for America’s right to libraries of all types – academic, special, school, and public.

Unveiled at ALA’s 2013 annual conference, the declaration can be signed online, but better still is to host a signing party.

As you plan your signing party, start with the online toolkit for tips on what to do before, during, and after your event.

Purchase a copy of the declaration and a few signing posters, or download and print your own.

You can get your event on ALA’s calendar by emailing Joaquin Falcon from ALA’s Office for Library Advocacy at jfalcon @ (Interesting aside: Joaquin grew up in New Mexico.)

Take lots of pictures during the event, and share them on the Flickr pool.

After the event, send a copy of the signed declarations to:
ALA – Office for Library Advocacy
50 East Huron Street
Chicago, IL 60611

And let ALA know about the event on the feedback page. We’d love to feature your event on the Hitchhiker as well, so be sure to let us know about it too!

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