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Cory Eckert: Gallup’s&#42 Mover & Shaker!

Cory EckertUntil recently, Cory Eckert was a mover and shaker at the Ocatvia Fellin Public Library in Gallup, now she is a nationally recognized one, having been named one of Library Journal’s 2014 Movers & Shakers.

Cory earned national attention through the idea of Guerrilla Storytimes – taking over a space at a library conference or other event and running an impromptu storytime.  Part of the mission is to highlight that storytime – and youth services –  is much more than ‘reading books to kids.’

Guerrilla Storytimes have taken place in nine states and in Nova Scotia, and there’s one tomorrow at the PLA conference.  There’s also a related website, Storytime Underground and Facebook Group.

Cory is now at Houston Public Library, where she manages two branches.