New Mexico State Library

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Call for Applicants for new Makerspace programs

Makerstate Initiative

Makerspace in your library!

We are looking for libraries interested in hosting “pop up” makerspace events in the upcoming months. Are you interested in bringing one to your library? Please fill out this survey:

About the NM Makerstate Initiative:

Deadline for responses: November 6, 2015.

Selection: We will work with our partners to determine a plan that will bring as many programs to libraries as possible. There are many factors considered when making the plan, and what will help set the final plan are the following factors:

  1. Geographic proximity to facilitate as many library programs as possible.
  2. Willingness of library staff to participate (these programs are equally intended to develop the staff professionally on how to create makerspaces in libraries, as well as provide programs to the public).
  3. Willingness of library staff to promote.
  4. Order of response.

Workshops Available:

  • 3D Printing and Scanning Demonstration

This demonstration is best suited for large groups of 20 – 80 participants. During this two-hour all-ages presentation, we will demonstrate 3D printing and scanning on two 3D printers.

  • 3D Printing and Scanning Workshop

This workshop is best suited for medium groups of 12-20 participants. During this three hour workshop for ages 7 and up, we will individually scan and 3D print each participant. Makers that participate can take home a digitally constructed, 3D model of themselves or objects they bring.

  • 3D Printed Selfie Robots

This workshop is best suited for small groups of 6 -12 participants. During this three hour workshop for ages 7 and up, we will individually scan and 3D print each participant. Makers that participate will then add a coin cell battery, LED and vibrating motor to each 3D model of themselves to create selfie robots to take home.

  • Learning Simple Circuits: Makey Makey & LittleBits

This workshop is best suited for medium groups of 12 – 30 participants. During this two-hour all ages workshop, we will teach the basics of electricity and simple circuitry through demonstrating LittleBits and the MakeyMakey microcontroller. Each participant will have the opportunity to engage in this hands-on workshop. Learn more at and

  • Paper Circuitry: Interactive Card Making & Cyborigami

This workshop is best suited for small groups of 6-12 participants. During this two hour workshop for ages 6 and up, we will teach the basics of electricity through paper circuits. Each participant will have the opportunity to engage in this hands-on workshop by creating interactive pop-up cards or electronic origami. Makers will create interactive paper art through combining batteries, LED’s and vibrating motors with pop-up cards and classic origami. Learn more at

  • Scratch Programming: Storytelling through code

This workshop is best suited for small- medium groups of 6-18 participants. During this two hour workshop for ages 7 and up, we will teach the basics of computer programming through an educational tool called Scratch. Each participant will have the opportunity to engage in this hands-on workshop by creating interactive stories on the computer. Makers will be able to visit and download the stories they create online. Learn more at

  • Scratch Programming: Introduction to Arduino

This workshop is best suited for small groups of 6-12 participants. During this three hour workshop for ages 7 and up, we will teach the basics of physical computing and the popular Arduino microcontroller through an educational tool called Scratch for Arduino. This workshop brings together the digital and the physical. Each participant will have the opportunity to engage in this hands-on workshop with LEDs, sensors and programming mini-computers. Non-beginners are encouraged to join. Makers will be able to learn about electricity and programming to create cool projects that we will document and post online. Learn more at or

  • Scratch Programming: Video games and beyond

This workshop is best suited for small groups of 6-12 participants. During this two hour workshop for ages 7 and up, we will teach the basics of computer programming through an educational tool called Scratch. Each participant will have the opportunity to engage in this hands-on workshop by creating interactive games on the computer. Non-beginners are encouraged to join. Makers will be able to visit and download the stories they create online. Learn more at

  • Electronics Recycling: e-Jewelry

This workshop is best suited for medium groups of 12 – 30 participants. During this two-hour workshop for ages 7 and up, we will teach participants how to not only recycle their old electronics but upcycle them into cool and unique jewelry. Each participant will have the opportunity to make their own piece in this hands-on workshop. Learn more at .

  • Electronics Recycling: Circuit Bending

This workshop is best suited for medium groups of 12 – 20 participants. During this two-hour workshop for ages 7 and up, we will teach the basics of electricity and sound by hacking old electronic toys. Each participant will have the opportunity to engage in this hands-on workshop. We encourage participants to bring any old toys that they would normally throw out. Learn more at

  • Speaker Making Workshop

This workshop is best suited for medium groups of 12 – 20 participants. During this two-hour workshop for ages 7 and up, participants will learn about magnets, sound and electricity. Each participant will have the opportunity to engage in this hands-on workshop and create DIY speakers. Learn more at

  • Theremin Making

This workshop is best suited for small groups of 6-12 participants. During this two hour workshop for ages 7 and up, we will teach basic circuitry through making DIY electronic  instruments called Theremins. Each participant will have the opportunity to engage in this hands-on workshop by creating and tinkering with a Theremin.

  • Reverse Engineering

This workshop is best suited for medium groups of 12 – 20 participants. During this two-hour all ages workshop, participants will get their hands dirty taking apart electronics. We will teach participants how things work (engineering and electronics) by taking them apart. Each participant will have the opportunity to engage in this hands-on workshop and see what’s really inside a computer or other electronic devices.

  • Repair Cafe (FIXIT Friday)

This workshop is best suited for medium groups of 12 – 30 participants. During this two-hour all ages workshop, we offer a space for community members to come together and get help fixing broken items that might otherwise end up in the garbage. We encourage participants to bring their broken items they would like fixed and an open mind for sharing skills. Learn more at

  • Paper Circuits and Mask Making

This workshop is best suited for small groups of 6 – 12 participants. During this two-hour workshop for ages 7 and up, we will teach the basics of electricity, simple circuitry and cardboard construction with DIY animal masks that light up. Each participant will have the opportunity to engage in this hands-on workshop and create their own LED-lit mask. Learn more at

  • Bouncy Balls

This workshop is best suited for medium groups of 12 – 30 participants. During this two-hour all ages workshop, participants will explore the basics of chemistry and physics by making DIY bouncy balls. Each participant will have the opportunity to engage in this hands-on workshop and take home their creations. Learn more at .

  • Soap Making and 3D Printing

This workshop is best suited for small groups of 6 – 12 participants. During this three-hour workshop for ages 7 and up, we will combine teaching chemistry with technology. Each participant will (safely) have the opportunity to engage in this hands-on workshop and create their own DIY soaps in the shape of 3D printed molds.

  • E-Textiles: Bookmarks and Bracelets

This workshop is best suited for medium groups of 12 – 30 participants. During this two-hour workshop for ages 6 and up, we will teach the basics of circuitry and sewing with an introduction to e-textiles. Each participant will have the opportunity to engage in this hands-on workshop and create either a bookmark book light or a flashlight bracelet with felt, conductive thread and sewable LEDs. Learn more at

  • E-Textiles: Light Up Felt Animals

This workshop is best suited for small groups of 6 – 12 participants.  During this two-hour workshop for ages 7 and up, we will teach the basics of circuitry and sewing with an introduction to e-textiles. Each participant will have the opportunity to engage in this hands-on workshop and create either felt animals that light up with felt, conductive thread and sewable LEDs.

  • Animated GIF Making Workshop

This workshop is best suited for medium groups of 12 – 30 participants. During this two-hour workshop for ages 7 and up, participants will explore different techniques for creating animated GIFs. We will teach the basic design and film framing to better understand how to create the internet’s first artform, the GIF. Each participant will have the opportunity to engage in this hands-on workshop and use their creations on social media.

  • Mechanics of Movement: Linkages

This workshop is best suited for medium groups of 12 – 30 participants. During this two-hour all ages workshop, participants will learn about the mechanics behind traditional forms of engineering movement through creating simple cardboard structures that move called linkages. Each participant will have the opportunity to engage in this hands-on workshop and create their own moving sculpture. Learn more at

This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services [LS-00-13-0032-14].

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