New Mexico State Library

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August Online Professional Development Opportunities – FREE

CE-PictureCheck out the Professional Development Calendar for more information and to register for the following FREE online professional development opportunities.

NOTE: until we can get the calendars synced, the calendar will show Maine State Library (MSL), this is ok, as the MSL is the new host for the professional development calendar.


Aug 15: Accessibility is Not Accessible (Techimpact)


Aug 19: Identifying and Filling Data Gaps to Tell Your Full Story (Nonprofit LL)

Aug 22: Data Engineering for Nonprofits (Techimpact)

Aug 26: Focus on the Future: The Art of Selling Your Board and Funders on Capacity Building (Firespring)


Aug 6: Evaluating Transformative Agreements (ASERL)

Aug 6: Introduction to project budgets (Candid Learning)

Aug 12: Why Retention & Succession Belong in your Strategic Plan (Nonprofit LL)

Aug 12: Project Outcome 101 (Public Library Assn. ALA)

Aug 15: Exploring Public Libraries Survey Data for Peer Comparisons (RIPL)

Aug 20: Safeguarding Collections (Connecting to Collections)

Aug 22: Data Engineering for Nonprofits (Techimpact)

Aug 27: Getting Started With the Google Ad Grant (GrantStation)


Aug 15: Introduction to fundraising planning (Candid Learning)

Aug 22: Empowering Effective Nonprofit Board Decision Making (Propel Nonprofits)


Aug 1: The Importance of Alternative Literacy: What is it and why is it important to implement in our libraries, classrooms and lives (Colorado State Library)


Aug 6: Fall Adult Faves (Booklist)

Aug 8: D-CRAFT Toolkit — assessing use & reuse of digital collections (DPLA)

Aug 14: Collection Development and Reference Strategies for Sexual and Reproductive Health Information (NNLM)


Aug 6: Introduction to TechSoup’s Digital Marketing Services and Use Cases (TechSoup)


Aug 8: From Boomers to Zoomers: Cracking the Code of Cross-Generational Engagement (TrainingMagNetwork)

Aug 14: 5 Tips for Collaboration in a Hybrid World (GovLoop)


Aug 20: for Librarians (NNLM)

Aug 22: DOCLINE Library Groups and FREESHARE (NNLM)


Aug 6: From the Ground Up: How to Advance DEI in Any Organization (Nonprofit LL)

Aug 22: How library-publisher partnerships can support the SDGs (Choice360)


Aug 15: Introduction to fundraising planning (Candid Learning)

Aug 22: 10 Quick Tips to Supercharge Your Next Fundraising Appeal (Productive Fundraising)


Aug 15: Preparing for a Difficult Workplace Conversation (Charity Village)


Aug 8: Work It Out @ Your Library with the Wombats! (WebJunction)

Aug 14: CSL in Session: Level Up Your Booktalks! New Ways to Engage in School Outreach Program (Colorado State Library)

Aug 22: Health Programming at Your Library (NNLM)

Aug 28: Civic Literacy in Public Libraries: Why, What, and How (Niche Academy)


Aug 13: YA All Day: Upcoming Titles for Fall, Winter, & Beyond (Booklist)


Aug 6: Why Can’t I Just Google It? (Choice360)


Aug 1: Daring YA Debuts from Zando Young Readers (Booklist)

Aug 8: Teaching Copyright K-12: Ready to go and it’s all FREE! (Copyright & Creativity)

Aug 14: CSL in Session: Level Up Your Booktalks! New Ways to Engage in School Outreach Program (Colorado State Library)

Aug 15: Beyond the Shelf: Navigating Innovation and Collaboration as Future Ready Librarians w/Shannon McClintock Miller and special guests (All4Ed)


Aug 14: A Place Called Vertigo: A Skeptic’s Guide to AI, Large Language Models, and Research Libraries (ASERL)

Aug 16: Idea Lab: Library Managed Public WiFi Networks (

Aug 27: Apps to support independent living (PACER Center)

Aug 29: AI Policies for Grantmakers: How to Manage Risk and Harness AI for Good (Blackbaud)


Aug 7: Must Haves for New Hire Training (Georgia Library Association)


Thursday Aug 22 (9 am-5 pm) SLJTeen Live! 2024 (School Library Journal)

Join us Thursday, August 22nd for our 13th annual SLJTeen Live! virtual event! Come hear about the latest and most exciting forthcoming titles for teens and tweens. From rom-coms and mysteries to graphic novels and classic coming-of-age stories, our daylong program of author panels, in-depth conversations, and keynote talks will keep you inspired and entertained. You’ll also have the opportunity to visit the virtual exhibit hall to meet with leading publishers, enjoy additional chats, and download digital galleys and other free resources. For more information and to register, visit:

Thursday, Aug 22 (3-6 pm) School Libraries and AI (Library2.0)

Join us for an exciting and transformative mini virtual conference, “School Libraries and AI,” designed specifically for school librarians and educators passionate about the future of library services. This event will explore the integration of artificial intelligence in school libraries, offering innovative strategies and practical insights to enhance learning and teaching experiences. Our special conference chair is Elissa Malespina, writer of the AI School Librarians Newsletter. Following the opening keynote, we’ll have three half-hour slots of sessions led by experienced school librarians who are at the forefront of AI integration, designed to provide practical, hands-on knowledge that you can apply in your own library and classroom. For more information and to register, visit:

AT YOUR LEISURE: Pre-recorded webinars to view at your convenience

A Conversation with Administrators (ALA eLearning)

Join superintendents and principals from across the country for an engaging and frank conversation on what administrators need and expect from their school librarians and school libraries and how administrators can empower a school librarian’s leadership role to impact all learners. Visit:

Break Barriers: Get Kids Thinking Critically About Bias (ALA eLearning)

Of the many challenges educators have had to face this past year, guiding students on overcoming biases ranks high on the list. Kathy Carroll, 2020-2021 AASL President, moderates a roundtable discussion on the subject in this one-hour webinar presented by AASL and sponsored by Gale, a Cengage company. Four experts in the field share ideas on how school librarians and other educators can rely on credible sources to support diverse perspectives and help students assess and navigate bias. Visit:

Recruit, Retain & Inspire with Great Volunteer Stories (VolunteerMatch)

VolunteerMatch and MemoryFox invite you to embark on a journey of inspiration with our upcoming webinar that converges the power of volunteer stories, with the art of video storytelling, so you can exceed your volunteer goals. Join us to get YOUR questions answered! Visit:

*Training opportunities are compiled and shared by the Maine State Library each month via WebJunction. See WebJunction for detailed abstracts. Note: some of these opportunities may not be free.

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