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2018 Congressional App Challenge

Middle and high school students in New Mexico congressional districts 1 & 3 (Representatives Michelle Lujan Grisham and Ben Ray Lujan) are encouraged to participate in the 2018 Congressional App Challenge.

The Challenge allows students to compete their peers by creating and exhibiting their own software application (“app”) for web, PC, tablet, mobile, or any other platform of their choice. Students can create an app for anything, from health to business to entertainment.

Students can compete as individuals or in teams of up to four, if two of the teammates are eligible to participate in a district (students can compete in the district they either live in or attend school in). Student apps will be evaluated by a panel of local judges who work within the academic, software and entrepreneurial fields. The winning app from each Congressional district will be featured on the U.S. House of Representatives website and displayed int he U.S. Capitol. The will students will also be invited to demonstrate their app in Washington D.C. at the #HouseofCode DC Demo Day.

For more information and full rules, please visit the App Challenge website.