East Mountain Library, Albuquerque/Bernalillo Co. Library System
Wifi Accessibility:Accessible in parking lot and available 24/7
Telehealth Services:No
Confidential Spaces for Virtual or In-Person Meetings:Study rooms are available, but they are not sound proof.
Health Literacy or Telehealth Certifications:No
Computer Classes or Walk in Tech Support, Either In-Person or Online:- Computer classes - in person
- Informal in-person tech support (we help if we can)
Staff with Certifications for Teaching Digital Literacy Classes:No
Printing, Faxing and Scanning Services:Other Services:Copies
In Addition to Desktops, Are Laptops, Tablets or Hotspots Available for Checkout or In-Library Use:Documents Required for a Library Card to Access Laptops, Tablets, or Hotspots:Documents Required for a Library Card to Access Study or Privacy Rooms: